7 settlements with unique landscapes

LANDSCAPE • SETTLEMENT • SETTLEMENT All settlements in their own unique, but there is a settlement which can not be confused with any other ...


All settlements in their own unique, but there is a settlement which can not be confused with any other place on the planet. These towns and villages do not need the sights - they themselves are a great attraction for tourists because of the characteristics of location or terrain. Unusual inhabitants of settlements and towns provide a good example of what people - the most perfect form of life on Earth, as they can adapt to life in virtually any environment.

"Peace" diamond capital of Russia

1. Giant "hole", located near the town of Mirny (Yakutia), at first glance looks like a meteorite crater, but in reality it's "Peace" - one of the world's biggest diamond pits.
Diamond deposits in this part of Yakutia were discovered in 1955, after which the village was founded Peaceful, two years later began production of diamonds, and a couple of years, the village became a town. Extraction of diamondiferous ore opencast lasted more than forty years, in 2001 the quarry was abandoned, and now the diamonds mined only in the underground mine.

2. The dimensions are impressive career - depth is 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km, it can be seen even from space. According to some reports, over the "world" is forbidden to fly helicopters, as a huge funnel literally sucks rotorcraft.

Europe on the brink

3. You may have heard about the ancient settlements in Yemen, built on steep slopes of rocks. The Spanish city of Ronda is also located right above the precipice, on two rocks interconnected bridge built about two hundred years ago. Lovers of adventure tourism will surely enjoy Mina de Ronda - a steep staircase of 365 steps leading from the bottom of the gorge to the foot of the Casa del Rey Moro.

Besides the unique location, the city is also known for bullfighting tradition - apparently citizens lacking the thrill of living on the edge of a precipice.

4. It should be noted that Ronda - is not the only European settlement, the inhabitants of which can be considered as the default climbers. On the rocks off the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea "climbed" the Italian commune of Tropea, the base of which, according to tradition, was involved legendary Hercules. Ronda and Tropea are among the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, but when you visit them you need to follow some precautions - much closer to the abyss buildings than it seems from the photos.

40,000 pilgrims in the desert

 5. The tent camp in the valley of Mina can not be called a city in the full sense of the word, although the size of it surpasses many localities. Probably, this is possible only in Saudi Arabia - there appeared a city of 40 thousand. Tents, where every year for five days arrives around 3 million Muslims to perform Hajj - the main sacred pilgrimage of Islam associated with a visit to Mecca. Time in his life he must carry out every Muslim.

 6. Not every pilgrim has relatives living in Mecca, and not all have enough space in hotels, so to some of the enterprising Saudis got the idea to rent a tent in the valley of Mina. Then he was joined by other dealers, whereby there gradually grew a real tent metropolis. Oddly, the tent village of Mina is one of the most innovative settlements on the planet - with the assistance of the Arabian authorities usually tents were replaced by new ones, made of refractory materials and resistant to wind, to each of them spent running water and electricity. Despite all the efforts of the government, the living conditions in the valley until the poor - the pilgrims shared "living space" with dozens of co-religionists, during the Hajj population density reaches 5-7 people per 1 m 2

The last refuge of the Emperor

7. Residents Dzheymastun that the island of Saint Helena, can enjoy all the benefits of civilization, except for cell phones, credit cards and transport accessibility. Jamestown is located on the bottom of the mountain gorge, so mobile as the Internet, there are few, and you can only get here on a British mail ship "Saint Helena", which comes to the island once a month, the way from Cape Town takes about five days.

7. Residents Dzheymastun that the island of Saint Helena, can enjoy all the benefits of civilization, except for cell phones, credit cards and transport accessibility. Jamestown is located on the bottom of the mountain gorge, so mobile as the Internet, there are few, and you can only get here on a British mail ship "Saint Helena", which comes to the island once a month, the way from Cape Town takes about five days.

9. The main attractions are The Jacob's ladder on one of the slopes of the surrounding hills. Staircase consists of 699 steps, in the old days, farmers used it to deliver products to the city. Sam St. Helena is known that it was serving the sentence Napoleon Bonaparte. The former emperor of France left the place references such review: "There is nothing but time."

Houseboats Holland

10. Settlement Aydzheyburg, lying not far from the Dutch capital, is located below sea level, but it does not threaten the flooding - the area is already a body of water, and every building on it - a kind of ship. Dutch create home on the water due to lack of land available for construction, floating buildings were built on the Dutch shipyard, then towed to places of permanent deployment and fast to special berths. Houses stand on a floating foundation of foam, they are completely sealed, so Aydzheyburg perfectly withstand the rising water level.

11. build settlements on the water - old Dutch tradition, it is enough to mention the Venice of the North, the famous village of Giethoorn with almost 800 years of history. Giethoorn streets are canals dug in the XIV century to transport the peat. Until recently, the Venice of the North had no land roads, now there, a system of bridges and bike lanes, but many locals and tourists still prefer to move around Giethoorn boats, punts.

"Star" fort Burtane

12. Unusual settlement in the shape of a star - a huge open-air museum, which is on the site of an ancient fort Burtane, built in the XVI century on the orders of Prince William I of Orange to protect strategically important road from the city of Groningen in Germany. About three centuries strengthening successfully fulfill its defensive function, but by the middle of the XIX century the need for such facilities disappeared and in 1851 most of the buildings were demolished. The once impregnable fortress turned into regular village and she remained until 1960, when the authorities there decided to rebuild the fort in the form as it was in 1740's.

13. Currently, the fort is one of the main attractions of the province of Groningen, reenactors perfectly managed to convey the atmosphere of the fortified settlements of the Dutch middle of the XVIII century. Walking through the fort, is easy to imagine that travel back in time, perhaps, the only historical "inaccuracy" of recovery Burtane - its current residents do not defecate in the streets, as was the custom in the days of William I.

The last free city in America

14. Settlement Slab City appeared in the wilderness of Colorado about half a century ago, since here from across the country are going those who are called "tumbleweed" - former hippie, unadapted to life in metropolitan areas, freelancers homeless fugitives from Police are criminals and other marginal elements of American society.

15. During the Second World War on the site of Slab City was a military base, but it was moved a few miles to the north, and the remaining concrete pad in the 1960s travelers began to use as a free parking. Some of them have been detained for a long time, resulting in a desert gradually grew quite busy settlement, in its heyday has about 5 thousand. Residents.

 16. Slab City has a library, a church and even a golf course, but it has no permanent electricity or running water. This kind of "city" constantly live about 200 people, but at the height of the tourist season there are going to several thousand fans to relax "savages.

 17. Residents of Slab City called him "the last free city in the world", and less romantic inhabitants of the surrounding villages use the "island of freedom" as a giant dump for old mobile homes, vehicles and other bulky trash

19. See also: How to change the world around us for the last decade


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