Sam dies, and save your comrade: Mutual aid in wild buffaloes

BUFFALOES • LIONS • SAFARI • SALVATION • PREDATORY CATS It turns out that mutual assistance and the "team spirit" exist in the wil...


It turns out that mutual assistance and the "team spirit" exist in the wild. This persuaded the British nature lovers and Ian Oliver Metinsony that during a safari in South Africa witnessed a chilling incident.

It all started with the fact that two young lions attacked a lonely black buffalo grazing ...

 1. This unusual event befall in the Kruger National Park, the oldest and most famous nature reserve in South Africa.

 2. Two young lions decided to regale lone buffalo.







9. As it turned out, herbivores are very dangerous even for predators.

 10. Suddenly, someone came to the aid of another buffalo, and after a few moments the Lions went to the "flight".

 11. African buffalo or just black buffalo - one of the most ferocious bulls, widespread in the savannah of the Black Continent.

12. At this time, predatory cats are left with nothing.


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