10 reasons to stop drinking coffee

DOZEN • COFFEE Each of us probably heard that coffee is not very useful drink, but about what is the impact on the human body has its excess...


Each of us probably heard that coffee is not very useful drink, but about what is the impact on the human body has its excessive use, many of us can only guess. In this issue, we offer ten specific and compelling reasons to quit drinking coffee as soon as possible.

You can imagine my life without coffee? Can you do without it in the morning? All we know about the invigorating qualities of the drink, but did you know that coffee can negatively affect your health? Well, let's find out exactly how he "spoils our lives." We offer you 10 reasons to stop drinking coffee as soon as possible. Hopefully, this article will convince you to find a more healthy alternative to coffee "vigor".

 1. The coffee may cause fertility problems

If you want to have children, it is better to eliminate caffeine from their diet - it's a well known fact. But do you know why? And the thing hormones. Coffee consumption provokes increased adrenal secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone. A rise in its level can cause hormonal imbalance, which develops as a result of lack of progesterone, the main corpus luteum hormone that promotes the possibility of pregnancy and thereafter maintain it. If a woman drinks during pregnancy is not less than 4 cups of coffee a day, the risk of miscarriage is about 33%. Especially strong coffee harmful to pregnancy of 20 weeks.

 2. Poor absorption of vitamins and minerals

Caffeine (more than 3 cups of coffee a day or permanent pills with caffeine) - "kills" vitamins B, PP, reduces the content of iron in the body, potassium, zinc and calcium. A single cup of 150 ml inhibits calcium absorption by as much as 3 hours. Moreover, caffeine calcium leaches out of the body, and as a result of abuse coffee bones become fragile.

 3. Caffeine leads to obesity

We have already mentioned that caffeine increases the production of cortisol and affects the adrenal glands. But perhaps you did not know that the adrenal glands are working together with the thyroid gland, which takes care of metabolism. So malfunction of the thyroid gland may slow metabolism, thus resulting in overweight. If you want to lose a couple of pounds or maintain a healthy body weight, but you can not, you may want to give up coffee?

 4. Insomnia

Many people use caffeine to stay awake at night, but if you have had difficulty in falling asleep, do not lean on the coffee, and it is better not to drink it. Even if you can sleep at night, you should not drink more than three cups of coffee a day, otherwise you will sleep poorly, because under the influence of caffeine, even in a dream your nervous system is overexcited.

 5. Problems with immunity

Caffeine - not the best friend of our immune system, again, because of the thyroid gland. Limited capacity of the thyroid gland leads to impaired immunity, causing disease. If you feel susceptibility to various diseases, it is necessary to stay away from coffee, at least until you feel better.

 6. Problems with neurotransmitters, bioactive chemicals, through which the transmission of electrical impulses from the nerve cell

One of the most compelling reasons to quit coffee lies in the fact that it affects the neurotransmitters in your body, and they are necessary for happiness hormone, also known as serotonin. Although many people believe that coffee makes a person happy, in fact just the opposite, so if you are depressed or experiencing not the best time in my life, do not drink coffee.

 7. Caffeine is bad for the overall level of energy

Avid coffee the drink finally stopped to help. He just "does not work." This is a very bad sign, because the thyroid gland ceases to react to it because of the fact that coffee is constantly exerted pressure on it and "wears" her. Coffee causes the body to produce adrenaline, and if you drink it all the time, then each time you need more and more caffeine to the body responds to it with the same efficiency.

  8. Caffeine harms the liver

Coffee is not digested in the best way. Your liver is working for the production of enzymes that break down the coffee and metabolize it. Therefore, when the enzymes needed for other hazardous chemicals, the liver may suddenly "lazy." Many people who drink coffee all the time, "lazy" liver.

9. coffee full of pesticides

Today the plant, giving the coffee beans are sprayed with pesticides as ever. Hardly on the shelves of your supermarket has an organic coffee is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers. Studies have found more than a thousand chemicals in coffee, so that if it does not force you to give up coffee, then probably nothing will make.

10. Without coffee sex drive increases

And again about the thyroid gland. This part of our body is responsible for the hormones that control our libido - for example, testosterone. So as soon as you stop putting pressure on the thyroid gland caffeine, you will notice an improvement in their sexual lives.


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