10 tips for skin care during the cold season

DOZEN • LEATHER • BEAUTY • USEFUL TIPS • TIPS On the skin to take care of, regardless of the season. In the summer we are worried because of...


On the skin to take care of, regardless of the season. In the summer we are worried because of the ultraviolet rays and the harm that causes our skin to the sun. And in the winter we face the problem of dehydration or, simply, the drying of the skin. Thus, skin cares - a continuous process, so that, as they say, no rest. His first rule - to adapt to your skin type, as well as to the temperature outside. We offer you 10 tips on how to protect your skin in the cold season.

 1. Macadamia - your friend.

Macadamia - one of the few oils with a high content of palmitoleic acid. Oil resembles sebum (which makes our skin, protecting itself from drying and wrinkling). This is an excellent emollient that is especially good for dry and mature skin. Do not forget to use this oil in the winter for extra protection.

 2. Exfoliate.

Some women find that peeling of the skin - a procedure that is strictly forbidden to do in the cold season, because the skin becomes more vulnerable. It is not. If you feel that the skin on your hands, feet and elbows dry, perhaps it is because of necrotic layer which can be easily removed with a light exfoliation process. For this purpose, special cosmetics.

 3. Use a humidifier in the bedroom.

The drying of the skin and itching can be worsened by dry air, especially in winter. Use a humidifier at night to add the necessary amount of moisture in the air.

 4. Add an hour of sleep in their daily.

Great way to deal with aggressive environmental factors - add another hour of sleep to his routine. If you want to make your skin radiant health at this time of year, you need to sleep at least 8 hours. Then the cells of the skin enough time for regeneration.

 5. Follow a diet.

In the cold season, most people eat more fatty foods than usual. In the end, we all have the same instinct "accumulation of fat for the winter." Winter - not the time to abandon the vegetables and dairy products, and meat only. Your diet should be as balanced as in the summer when you are constantly eating fruits and vegetables. Than greasy food, the more it is "manifest" on your skin. In your diet should be products containing oil to prevent over drying predisposition to skin, butter oil, fish oil, fish liver oil, coconut oil and fish.

 6. Do not take too hot shower.

Although hot showers - saving in the cold season, do not forget that the hot water harms the skin, especially after a long stay in the cold air.

 7. Do not cheshites.

Often dry skin and "calling" to scratch it, and this should always be avoided. So you make matters worse. No scratching! Make sure that you have overcome the habit - for example, take the hands of something useful.

8. Chapstick required!

Like the skin, the lips also suffer in winter. Therefore, in your handbag should always be Chapstick or lip balm. Better to choose the product with sunscreen and antiseptic substance that helps weathered lips. Also, it would be ideal if the balsam contained in shea butter or tea tree oil. You will immediately feel the difference.

 9. Forget about alcohol.

And not only inside. Whether we are talking about protecting the hair or skin, you should remember that you should avoid alcohol-containing agents. As it evaporates, it seems that skin refreshed, but and cooled. And considering that in the street and so cold, do not need to cool the skin further. It will only harm.

10. Use a sunscreen cream foundation.

The cold season is probably the only time of year when the use of foundation is strongly recommended. It will protect your skin from the cold, and if you choose sunscreen cream foundation, then another and from the UV light. Yes, in the winter, you also are exposed to UV light!


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