
Bead This shrub is notobychaynoy special beauty and tenderness and asks for the manufacture of small decorative bonsai. The set of fragile w...


This shrub is notobychaynoy special beauty and tenderness and asks for the manufacture of small decorative bonsai. The set of fragile white flowers on a background of bright green leaves and young permanently retain the spring mood.

 For the manufacture of trees you will need:

- Beads of white and green flowers; 
- Small beads as tsvetochkov- Stars transparent or translucent-white or small beads of transparent or translucent white color for weaving flowers; 
- Wire any color large-diameter section of 2-3 mm metal rods or needles for the trunk; 
- Flat vase or flower pot; 
- to quickly grasp the plaster or cement; 
- Paint and varnish brown; 
- Dere white (or light - Resolver), green and brown colors, the recommended diameter section 0.20-0.33 mm in diameter 
creative pebbles.

1. Cut a thin wire brown or green color on the lengths of about 50-60 cm long. Fabricate 50 leaves of green beads of different sizes in the technique of circular weaving French (this technique is described in detail here ). Dial about 1.5 cm of green beads, then dolerite 2 pairs of arcs around the central axis of 1.5 cm. Then, cut and fold axial wire at the top of a distance of approximately 0.5 cm from the edge of the leaf. 2. Then cut the white or light silver wire about 40 -50 cm long. Put 5-7 white beads, slide them to the center of the wire and twist the loop segment. Then back down to 1 cm from the first loop, and put flowers or beads strung for them, the ends of the wire just twist together. Thus sd

3. Gather together in small bunches leaves of different sizes and flower sprigs. Twist the wire ends together or fix the floral tape.

Then collect all bunches of twigs in the whole tree. To use the base of the trunk wire with a large cross-sectional diameter, a metal rod or needle. Do not forget to make sustainable rootstock tree.

Plaster or cement breed according to package directions. A small amount of gypsum or cement is poured into the bowl or pot, plant trees and wait until the mixture dries out a bit, holding hands sapling. When the mixture is dry and the tree will stand steadily, completely fill the pot or vase with a mixture and left overnight to dry. In the morning, with the help of plaster or cement decorate the trunk and large branches, then paint and, if necessary, varnished. In the last stones decorate the surface with plaster.


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