How to help birds overwinter
KINDNESS • CARING • WINTER • BIRDS • TITS • COLD Tit - perhaps the only bird which has its own personal holiday, November 12. And the histor...
Tit - perhaps the only bird which has its own personal holiday, November 12. And the history of the holiday thing of the past. In ancient times, a titmouse had a special relationship, as the peasants knew that this bird in the summer of great benefit, and carefully looked after her with the onset of winter cold.
We picked up a few simple tips on how you can do good work and feed the birds remaining in our area for the winter.
1. It is believed that in mid-November, chickadees and other "winter visitors" - goldfinches, bullfinches, jays, anticipating ambulances cold fly from forests close to human habitation and are waiting for our help. (Photo by Alexander Gorlov)
2. Since we are now talking about nature, it is worth remembering that in the days when there was no Hydrometcenter and other Internet, our ancestors relied on flora and fauna, if whole flocks of birds appeared at the house, then, is about to strike up cold. And yet it is November 12, our observational precursors to predict the weather on a particular sign: if a bird whistles - be clear day, if peeps - be the night frosts, going to a lot of tits on the feeders - a blizzard and snow. (Photo by Alexander Gorlov)
3. So, in the cold to warmed little feathered beings need energy that is taken from the bird food. Those wishing to help the birds can easily make a manger, find the "building materials" for which is easier - just take a box of juice or milk, cut a hole in it and hang around the house.
4. If you want to have in the garden in summer settled tits, autumn can hang bird feeders, and bird houses (as in the photo) in which the birds will spend the night in the cold. The cabins are made of boards, such as birdhouses, chickadees dislike. Accustomed to the same nest boxes over the winter, they willingly inhabit them in the summer.
5. as feed for birds fit a variety of "goodies": non-roasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower or peanut, boiled rice, buckwheat, barley, potatoes and even unsalted fat and meat. Oddly enough, nimble titmouse love winter just fat.
6. It is extremely important: forest birds, including tits, you can not feed the black bread, as in birds bread quickly swells and haunting, it may even kill her. Particularly dangerous rye bread, because it adds more yeast.
7. In the summer birds eat insects and seeds of plants, thereby fulfilling its important mission for the protection of plants from garden variety bugs. Shinichi family "large families", it can be up to 15 chicks to feed whose parents literally rummage all blizlezhayshie trees, carefully collecting caterpillars, butterflies, larvae, etc. (Photo by K. and A. Shapovalov)