Servings per 200 kilocalories
DIET • CALORIES • PORTION • PRODUCTS Today, When the problem of excess weight Acquire A planetary nature of the Epidemic, counting calories ...
Today, When the problem of excess weight Acquire A planetary nature of the Epidemic, counting calories Turns into vital. Especially it is Important for Those WHO are forced to Lead A sedentary Lifestyle. Of course, low-calorie Food Will not Solve All the Problems related to improper diet and lack of exercise, yet it can be nice to protect from many troubles.
Wanting to know the approximate calorie content of their food today, so much that they even produce special gadgets and software applications.
Offers a look at a selection of portions of different products, which contain exactly 200 kcal.
1. 588 grams of raw broccoli
Broccoli or broccoli That looks very Similar to cauliflower. But her taste much Richer, Especially if Properly steamed. In ITS raw form, it is Also very Useful. In the broccoli is very rich in Vitamin C and Other Vitamins, Minerals and fiber. Because of these properties include broccoli with most therapeutic diets with a variety of diseases.
2. 1425 grams of celery
Celery is so low-calorie Product That, if Desired, it CAN BE chewed without stopping. It tastes and cheese, and in processed form. It CAN BE Added to soups, stew with meat (of course, such A calorie dishes Will BE Another ), and make HIM A Tasty Side dish. In A salad of celery flavor goes well with apples and Carrots.
3. 385 grams of apples
Apples are much high-calorie celery, but still their calorie content is low enough that they can be plenty to feast on even those who need to lose weight quickly.
4. 125 grams of avocado
Avocados are very High in calories, But They Contain A Huge amount of Various nutrients. Besides the Regular use (in reasonable Quantities) of These wonderful fruits Helps to normalize the Metabolism and triggers the fat burning Natural Mechanism. If you stretch your Avocado puree, then it can be successfully used in place of butter for sandwiches.
5. 328 grams of kiwi
Kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry, not only Has A wonderful taste, But Also very rich in nutrients Various. It even contains Iodine. Enough to Eat 1-2 pieces Daily to supply your body with Almost Complete set of Vitamins. Not recommended the kiwi only to Those who are allergic to it, and those who suffer from high acidity of gastric juice.
6. 570 grams of baby carrots
That young Carrots particularly rich in Mineral Substances. About ITS Benefits for the Skin and eyes Knows, Probably, everyone, and have low calorie A Allows it literally command without restrictions.
7. 290 grams of grapes
Grapes - A very High-calorie Product. But there are so many Vitamins and Other nutrients, so it is not Necessary to abandon even while dieting. A few grapes Will Please not only taste great, But Also Give A tangible energy boost.
8. 83 grams of dried apricots
Dried apricots are A Special way the dried apricots, so no wonder That she's so caloric. But Still Regale her far more Useful than the Usual Chocolates, in Which there is nothing But flavorings and calories. Dried apricots differ Extremely High in Potassium, carotene, calcium, iron and other valuable substances.
It Should BE Noted That their apricots in Limited Quantities to not only BE Because it Has A lot of calories. The Fact That in ITS USED Often preform very toxic Substances That inhibit the growth of Mold. Therefore, if there are very apricots and Often a lot, then you may encounter with an allergic reaction, even if you are not prone to allergies.
9. 553 grams of melon
Melon - very sweet, Tasty and Fairly low-calorie Treat. Natural Sugars in it so much That people with High Blood sugar, you Should CONSULT with your Doctor before you lean on melon.
10. 357 grams of canned peas
Canned green peas like A lot. It really is so delicious That it CAN BE eaten Straight from the jar, without resorting to Any treatment. Counting calorie content of the Product is Easy enough - in one Small jar Just About contains 200 calories.